Further Education and Training Certificate: Real Estate

Further Education and Training Certificate: Real Estate (59097)

Program Description

The achievement of this qualification is the requirement for admission to the professional examination for estate agents, to be conducted by the Estate Agency Affairs Board. When successfully completed, the candidate will be registered as a non-principal estate agent by the Estate Agency Affairs Board. South Africa is pioneering a road of qualifications and unit standards for the Real Estate environment. The South African qualification is comparable to those identified internationally.


Analyse, evaluate and apply the Real Estate Code of Conduct and Ethics.
Demonstrate knowledge of the Real Estate environment and the various laws, rules, and regulations that impact on the Real Estate function.
Perform the Real Estate function.

Total duration of course

24 days (completed over 12 months)

Number of credits 

151 credit


Code of Conduct for Estate Agents (1 day)

6 credits, unit standard 246737
Any learner seeking to enter the real estate profession will be required to apply the necessary ethical principles and codes of conduct to this industry. Purchasing a property is one of the single biggest investment for most people and the integrity surrounding this purchase has to remain intact. This module covers these principles and guides new entrants into this field to ensure that they operate within the boundaries required for these types of transactions.

Real Estate Economics (2 days)

8 credits, unit standard 246735
This module enables learners to become familiar with the different environments that impact the Real Estate business and for them to consider these when planning their own tasks and sales targets. Some aspects covered include the demographic and economic environment of the Real Estate industry, the regulatory features that impact on the Real Estate function and the various stakeholders that operate within the Real Estate environment.

Real Estate Oral Communication (2 days)

20 credits, unit standards 119469, 119465, 119472, 119462
Learners improve their written ability, since this is a key competency in influencing and communicating clearly with potential buyers.
Please note that if you have completed matric, and have passed two languages (one first and another language), you do not have to do this module. Produce your matric certificate to apply for an exemption. Please contact our offices for further details.

Real Estate Legislation (4 days)

17 credits, unit standards 242584, 246733, 242593
In this module, learners gain a better understanding of South African law as well as the importance of the contract, FAIS, and money laundering – all critical factors in ensuring that all parties are protected and that the process is transparent.

Real Estate Finance (2 days)

6 credits, unit standards 246734
This module covers the principles of financial planning in Real Estate transactions, focusing on advising sellers and lessors, purchasers, and lessees on financing real estate transactions.

Real Estate Numeracy (3 days)

16 credits, unit standards 9015, 9016, 7468
This is a basic module focusing on fundamental mathematic literacy and an introduction to statistics – a useful competency for any real estate practitioner.
Please note that if you have completed matric, and have Mathematics or Math Literacy, you do not have to do this module. Produce your matric certificate to apply for an exemption. Please contact our offices for further details.

Real Estate Marketing (2 Days)

20 credits, Unit standard 246736
In this module, learners get to grips with applying the principles of marketing, selling and letting in a Real Estate context, including after-sales services and Community Scheme legislation and its related regulations and acts.

Teambuilding (1 day)

10 credits, unit standard 242819
This interactive module introduces the concept of motivating a team through an understanding of one’s self and one’s team members in the workplace. Additional theories of motivation and group dynamics are addressed, specifically to implement a plan of action to strengthen the team while providing feedback to each other and the recognition of achievements.

Real Estate Self Development (2 days)

16 credits, unit standards 242739, 246738
It is important for someone working in the Real Estate industry to be able to identify opportunities for their own development as well as constraints within their work context, while operating in an ethical manner. This will enable them to successfully manage their careers and job opportunities within their field. This module introduces self-management skills, defining their own career development plan in order to develop an action plan to achieve their goals.

Real Estate Written Communication (3 days)

20 credits, unit standards 119457, 119466, 119459, 12153
This module incorporates the basic language structures required in both English and Afrikaans to ensure that the learner has a strong grip on the professional language needed when operating in the Real Estate industry.
Please note that if you have completed matric, and have passed two languages (one first and another language), you do not have to do this module. Produce your matric certificate to apply for an exemption. Please contact our offices for further details.

Real Estate Administration (2 days)

12 credits, unit standards 110003, 110009
Administration is a responsibility none of us can get away from, and that can become a nightmare if we ignore that it needs to be done. Our efficiency rates plummet and our sense of control diminishes rapidly. This module provides some guidance on how to make the administrative component of your job more effective and efficient, and even creates awareness on how to help the company achieve its mission, vision and objectives.