End User Computing

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National Certificate: Information Technology End User
Computing (61591)

Program Description

Technology affects every aspect of the work environment. No person operating within the
working space is unaffected by the effects of technology, from laptops to smart phones where
the world is accessed at one’s fingertips.
This qualification empowers learners to acquire knowledge and skills as well as the attitudes
and values required to operate computers confidently. It introduces the theoretical
component of computers as well as the practical application, which, together, help develop a
range of skills, which enable learners to be better informed within their industries.


At the end of this qualification, a learner will be able to understand the impact and use
Information Communication and Technology (ICT), improve their communication by
combining communication skills with their computing skills as well as improve the application
of mathematical literacy in the workplace.

Total duration of course

33 days (completed over 12 months)

Number of credits

144 credits

Click here to see if you qualify.


Basic Computer Skills

Introduction to Computers (1 day)

11 credits, unit standard 258883
This module introduces the uninitiated to the world of computers. Some features covered
include the parts of the computer, the operating system, using the help facility and pointing
device as well as how to print.

Email (1 day)

4 credits, unit standards 116945, 116935
One of the first things that any office administrator needs to use in our modern world, is
email. This module introduces the basics to get the learner started in a new environment.

Browse the Web (1 day)

11 credits, unit standards 115391, 116931, 114076
The key source of information today is the internet. There are various search engines
and the learner will be exposed to the most popular ones, as well as learn the most
effective ways to search for information.

Caring for Computers (5 days)

21 credits, unit standards 7785, 13931, 117925, 114636
Computers and their components are expensive tools. Learners will learn to become
competent at caring for their machine, trouble shoot and ensure safety while using the

Click here to see if you qualify.

Numeracy Skills

Numbers and Shapes (2 days)

6 credits, unit standards 9010, 9013
Spreadsheets, a commonly used application on the computer, requires basic financial
literacy skills while other applications, such as databases require an understanding of shapes
and flowcharts. In this module, key numeracy patterns are clarified in order for the
improved use of these applications.

Finance in Business (2 days)

11 credits, unit standards 7456, 11241
Financial calculations for business and personal use is a critical life skill. The fundamentals
of these calculations are covered in this module, with learners gaining knowledge of how
to relate these to the applications that they will be covering.

Basic Statistics (1 day)

7 credits, unit standards 7836, 10023
Any employee must ensure at all times that the satisfaction of customers is maintained through effective communication. This includes all aspects of customer care especially dealing with complaints and requests. This module will enhance the skills of any employee and forms an integral component of any business.

Supplier Management (1 day)

11 credits, unit standards 14912, 9012
This module builds on the key financial skills previously learnt. Learners gain an
understanding of how to investigate a problem using statistics as well as how to apply the
numbers for evidence that brings value to a project.

Basic Project Management Skills (3 days)

8 credits, unit standards 10140
Project Management skills are becoming more prevalent in the work of work, regardless
of the level an employee might be at. This sought after skill enhances any resume since the
assumption is made that the candidate brings value to their job with these skills. The basics
are taught in a practical manner and allows the learner to see their value, even for their
own personal life.

Click here to see if you qualify.

Excel (3 days)

16 credits, unit standards 116937, 116940, 116943, 28876
Learners are introduced to the basic functions of spreadsheets, as well as how to apply the
functions that they have learnt and enhance the documents created.

Access (2 days)

14 credits, unit standards 116936, 117927
Databases require some ability to visualise and design spreadsheets. This module is a
valuable skill on the business tool belt of any office administrator. By the end of the course,
the learner will be able to create and edit a simple database.

Communication Skills

Communicating in Business (3 days)

15 credits, unit standards 8968, 8973, 8970
In this module, learners gain competencies in talking and discussing, researching and writing
effectively. These skills allow for improved usage of the computer applications and deliver
an altogether more professional result.

Report Writing (1 day)

6 credits, unit standards 110023, 13915
Learners will be provided with information on how to improve any presentations they
might have to do in their place of work, not only with producing a smooth presentation
but improving the delivery of this presentation.

Word (2 days)

13 credits, unit standards 117924, 116942, 119078
This module covers the introductory skills needed to produce a document on a word
processor, as well as how to apply techniques and enhance the document to improve the
professional look.

PowerPoint (2 days)

10 credits, unit standards 117923, 116930
Presentation applications are a powerful medium to capture your audience and win them
over with slick visuals. On the contrary, if the presentation look is poor, it can severely
damage even the most well-researched project. This module is an introduction to
PowerPoint as well as features which enhance presentations.

Click here to see if you qualify.

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